Just recently, we came up with an article in which we listed down best Dribbble freebies. While I was jotting those freebies, I was thinking how designers increase the number of followers. So, the idea of listing down the tips and tricks designers follow to increase the number of followers was conceived. Dribbble you all know is a platform for designers to showcase their designs, logo designs, icons, fonts and other artworks and get known by the people. Not only this, other designers who are onto some artwork, design, or graphic design give preference to Dribbble if they have to look for any such cool stuff that they can use if they want to use the same for their miscellaneous projects.
Being one of the platform, making optimum use of Dribbble to display artworks, designs and much more one has to be really creative, smart and know how to get known by increasing the number of followers. Now the question arises as to what’s the way out to get more Dribbble followers on one of the greatest communities for designers and developers?
Well, it asks you to do your work dedicatedly and creatively. The basic rule is that your designs should be unique, creative and engrossing enough to speak out for themselves. Your work speaks out but then in today’s cut throat competition where the number of options available is increasing day by day one needs to work hard to get known by directly increasing the followers. What are the tips and tricks that work in getting more followers and increase the experience? Let’s discuss on how to get more Dribbble followers.
How to Get More Followers on Dribbble
1. Good Work is the Key
Designing is one field in which creativity plays the major role. If your work is creative and really appreciable, it will speak for itself. Good work is critical if you want to get more followers. If your creative juices keep flowing, give shape to your ideas and post the end results on Dribbble. If your work is good, people would love following you.
2. Plan Your Shots
If you are using Dribbble you should learn to plan your shots. What I mean to say here is that one should be as detail oriented as possible. Know what’s the best time of the day to post to Dribbble. Check out the shots on Dribbble and see what’s making them popular and implement the same while posting your designs. Also, before finally posting your design check how your shot will look by dropping it into a template. All this is the part of planning the shots and work in favor to get more followers.
3. Understand The Power of Social Networking
Simply creating the superb design shots will not help you get the followers without letting people know about it. Once you are ready with the shots post it and spread it around by making optimum use of social networking sites. Its a wise idea to link up your profile on various social networking platforms. Also, you can put it in your signature on forums, blog (if you have one), on your portfolio. This way you can ask people to follow you on Dribbble.
4. Tagging It Right
It is important to use appropriate tags for your posts which will help people find you while they are searching. If the shots you have posted match their search and thy like your work, they will certainly want to follow you. It is suggested to check the tags page to get familiar with the list of tags that may work for you.
5. Creativity, Originality and Variance
You all will agree with me that the number of people becoming the part of design world is increasing day by day and the competition has increased a lot. To meet up the expectations of the people and to survive in the market, you have to be creative, original and have variety in your work. Don’t just stick to one type of designs. People love to check out variety of designs and if you offer them the same, you are certain to get more and more followers.
6. Follow Other Designers
Its give and take profession. If you want people to follow you, you have to mutually get into it. Besides the tips mentioned above one thing that works in getting more followers is following others. Getting followers on Dribbble will make your work float to the top, thereby increasing your followers more. Start building your community by following other designers. If you like the designs of other designers make sure to follow them and there are good chances that they will follow you.
One more thing you can do is look for designers with the same interest as yours and follow them. Make sure to follow active designers, ones who haven’t posted for over an year are not considered to be active members and even if you follow them there are minimal chances that they will follow you. Follow the active members whose work you like and if they like your work, they will follow you too thereby increasing your followers.
7. Interact With People
Last but not the least, this tip works not just in the field of designing instead in all spheres. If you don’t interact with people nobody will show more interest. If people or your fellow designers are dropping in comments and giving you feedback make sure to answer back. If you show interest and welcome the feedback and comment even if is critical, people will be interested in checking out your work and follow you on one of the greatest design community namely Dribbble.
To end up, I would like to say that what Dribbble is doing by letting designers, artists and other creative genius is worth applauding. Its just the matter of using this superb platform the right way and get more and more Dribbble followers which will directly help you get known and appreciated for your work.
Try following the tips and trick listed above and see the changes in number of followers. If you have any other idea that will work in increasing the followers, do share with us.